Cerge Remonde — The Prayer

cerge remonde press secretary

He was 51.  He died at 11:51 am on January 19 and he wrote his LAST PRAYER at 6:51 pm the night before, exactly 17 hours before he passed away.

I don’t know Press Secretary Cerge Remonde personally. But I liked how he was generally cool when responding to questions during press conferences, although I don’t agree with some of his views.  I liked how he smiled and how he treated his staff.

And I’m touched by his LAST PRAYER — written on his Facebook page 17 hours before he died:

Lord, thank you for your infinite love
that meets our every need
and provides all the beautiful
and wonderful things we experience in life.

Release our hearts and minds from fear and worry.
Fill us with your peace
as we learn to fully trust in your providence.

Help us to do all that we are capable of
and the rest we entrust unto you.

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