Free HP Printer Scanner Copier with Smart Bro

This is the free HP printer, scanner and copier (three-in-one) that I received from Smart Bro when I renewed my contract for 24 months more.
hp printer scanner copier
I didn’t even made an effort to get it.  It was delivered to our house by a Smart Bro agent. This agent was really smart as he went around our neighborhood looking for roofs with the Smart Bro canopy, and asked subscribers if they want a free HP printer, scanner and copier.

Well, there are other choices:

  • Nokia 1680C cellphone
  • Smart Plug ‘N Talk
  • Smart Bro Plug-it
  • rebate of 160 a month or nearly 4,000 in savings over the 24-month period

Additionally, after 3 years, one has the option to apply for a plan downgrade to 799, apparently with the same features, so this means more savings.

As expected, I chose the HP printer, scanner and copier, since I’d be getting three gadgets, wow! And it has been working very well since its delivery.

Renew now and get one HP printer, scanner and copier too.

One Response

  1. Shopko coupon June 29, 2017

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